How Do You Fix CPU Bottlenecking? (Explained)

How Do You Fix CPU Bottlenecking? (Explained)

 If you’re wondering “How Do I Fix CPU Bottlenecking?” then read this. A CPU bottleneck is a bothersome issue to have. This decreases the performance of your entire system because your CPU controls everything that occurs when you use a computer. The central processing unit is what it is named for a reason.

There aren’t many solutions for a CPU bottleneck. You can put off updating your CPU for a short while after reading this article, which will demonstrate how to resolve a CPU bottleneck.

Although purchasing a new CPU is the best and simplest solution, not everyone may have access to this.

What does CPU Bottleneck mean?

You must first visualize a bottle to describe a CPU bottleneck in simple terms. The volume of liquid that spills from that container when you pour water from it will depend on the cap’s size or radius.

The number of frames per second (FPS) you are obtaining when the CPU is working can be approximated by replacing the image of the water with the operations your CPU performs.

Your PC’s other components are unable to operate efficiently because of this CPU limitation. Parts like your graphics card or RAM will idle until the CPU can process the data if it cannot render or process the quantity of data being supplied to it at an optimal rate.

With that reasoning, you will observe that every component is vying for the CPU’s attention to process its data, which could result in issues like FPS decreases and crashes. Because of this, it may be more difficult to identify and fix the CPU issue.

Why Does a CPU Bottleneck Occur?

The primary reason for a CPU bottleneck is the performance gap between your CPU and other PC components, most notably the GPU.

If you are using a processor that is older than the 9th generation processors, using Nvidia’s Geforce RTX 2080 Ti would result in a CPU bottleneck. This is reversed since a faster CPU will make the GPU slower and result in a “GPU bottleneck.”

However, since you are utilizing the GPU to its fullest extent as opposed to the CPU, which has tasks other than presenting what you see on your monitor, GPU bottlenecks are much more desired than CPU bottlenecks. Both result in system inefficiencies, therefore you still want the ideal configuration.

Sometimes, especially if you are only wanting to improve one part, you do not have the option to upgrade. Sometimes it seems like it is not worth it, so it would be best to try to resolve the problem first before making a decision.

Other than the primary cause listed above, there are still a lot of other factors that might cause a CPU to bottleneck.

You will be better able to comprehend the reasons behind a CPU bottleneck if you know the distinction between a CPU-intensive game and a GPU-intensive game.

When you only want to upgrade one component, you may not always have the choice to do so. It would be best to try to address the problem first before deciding because it sometimes seems like it is not worth it.

A CPU bottleneck can still be caused by a variety of variables in addition to the primary one stated above. You can better comprehend the factors that lead to a CPU bottleneck by learning the distinction between CPU-intensive and GPU-intensive games.

On the other side, while Metro Exodus’ graphical fidelity is unmatched by anything in Minecraft, there are a ton of background activities that require your CPU to operate.

For instance, Minecraft farms might appear to be in the distance while processing information to provide you with eggs from a chicken farm.

Since most of these blocks are not static and perform tasks that must be processed, the CPU is required to perform more work than the GPU in this kind of game.

Since RAM is the primary source of the data being processed, a CPU bottleneck also causes memory issues.

This means that you must consider both the type of game you are playing and your problem when they arise.

Your CPU and GPU will still perform differently in the majority of cases, but the key is to determine how far off they are from one another.

How vital is a CPU for gaming becomes clear when you consider that the CPU processes everything.

How do I fix CPU Bottlenecks

  1. CPU overclocking
  2. CPU upgrade
  3. Reduce Game settings quality
  4. Disable other programs

  • CPU overclocking

While CPU overclocking won’t be the greatest solution, it will help to some extent in relieving the CPU bottleneck.

The fact that overclocking is not for beginners is the sole reason I have my doubts. This is since overclocking a CPU essentially means it is operating outside its design parameters.

You won’t be able to learn how to overclock your CPU easily because every brand, component, and version is unique.

It is best to verify the step-by-step instructions on their website, which may be viewed below, and your brand of CPU.

If you don’t know how to set up a CPU effectively, there are a lot of risks involved in overclocking it. This is because it differs from every build. More voltage will be needed to overclock a CPU, but your existing system could only have a power supply that can handle a specific amount of energy.

Before moving on, it is best to learn more about these issues because failing to do so could harm your CPU and other computer parts in the long run.

  • CPU upgrade

Although these techniques will just postpone the inevitable, they will assist you while waiting to upgrade your CPU.

This is because there is still a performance gap in your CPU. To assist your CPU in keeping up, you are just lessening the strain on everything.

How Do You Fix CPU Bottlenecking? (Explained)

This implies that when playing a game, your RAM and GPU are not being fully utilized.

The best course of action will be to upgrade your CPU because developing this issue implies that you either concentrated more on one component or upgraded your other components before the CPU.

The central processing unit, or CPU, should be understood to signify that it is the most significant component of a computer.

The priority should always be CPUs, and a good processor will always be worth the investment.

As previously stated, a GPU bottleneck is preferable to a CPU bottleneck. Therefore, if money is scarce, it is preferable to purchase a decent CPU rather than a powerful GPU.

This is because an underused GPU will just be a waste of money, whereas an underused CPU can give you greater multitasking flexibility.

  • Reduce Game settings quality

You should already be aware that the CPU controls every aspect of your machine. This implies that the CPU processes both the graphics and the memory or data being saved to load the game’s components.

Your CPU consumption can be decreased by lowering the quality of several rendering-related settings, such as textures, MSAA, view distances, or anything else. Use a game’s lowest level if graphics don’t matter at all if you want to help your CPU.

  • Disable other programs

You may find the “Processes” tab on the first page of your Task Manager if you open it by typing its name into the Windows search box.

All of the services that are currently active on your computer are listed above. You would see “CPU” as the first category, and you could see which apps or applications used the most CPU time.

Although the majority of these programs shouldn’t use a lot of CPU resources, you can determine which ones do by simultaneously monitoring CPU utilization and CPU temperatures.

Look it up on your task manager or any other tool that displays these graphs as soon as you see a surge in your use or temperature.

So that your CPU can concentrate on processing data exclusively for the game, disable some of the programs you do not require when you are playing.

This is why if you want a CPU that is focused on multitasking, the number of threads and cores on your CPU matters.

The majority of these background programs must be shut down if your CPU cannot support having this many operating in the background; otherwise, your FPS will undoubtedly suffer and you won’t be able to concentrate on your game.

Final thought 

To conclude on our topic today, CPU bottleneck is very bothersome and if not fixed appropriately, it can be a bug to your machine.

Therefore above steps will help you fix this and have great experience using your machine. If you have any questions or would like some clarifications, comment below and we will guide you through. 

Related Article: 

How Do You Know if Your CPU Is Bottlenecking (Explained)

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